“Praise invariably implies a reference to a high standard.”
— Aristotle —
我们聘请了Dubbe Moulder Architects的Kurt Dubbe来设计我们位于怀俄明州杰克逊附近的房子. 库尔特在评估我们的品味方面做得很好,并把它们纳入了他的房子规划中. 他的方法对客户非常友好,他完全接受进行适合我们需求的多次迭代. 由于Kurt的创造力,我们现在有了一个西方风格的家,利用了许多提顿的景色,但也非常舒适,实用的平面图. Throughout the process, Kurt was a complete partner with us. 这是我们建造的第一个房子(可能也是最后一个),我可以毫无保留地推荐Kurt和DMA. In total, 该项目满足了每个主要的截止日期,并且在预算范围内,我们对最终产品感到非常满意!
Bernie W.
克里斯对你想要什么样的房子有第六感. 经过几次讨论,并提供了一些我们的想法的例子, 克里斯的一楼平面图和外观几乎完全符合我们的要求. Being that in sync with your clients is a gift. And when we got to building, 克里斯在建筑行业的背景无疑帮助他顺利地解决了那些总是出现在建筑商身上的问题. The entire process, from beginning to end, was collaborative. It was not Chris’s project. It was not the builder’s project. It was a project among partners. Partners who respected each other and enjoyed working together. 附带的好处是我们与克里斯和乔琳建立了友谊. 我仍然会去克里斯的办公室拜访,偶尔吃顿午饭,当我们请他们过来吃晚饭时,克里斯会来看看房子.
J. Harris
Dubbe Moulder建筑事务所会见了我和我的丈夫,充分讨论了我们计划在杰克逊建造的住宅. This house had been a dream of ours for many years. Chris Moulder听取了我们对房屋设计的偏好,然后制定了计划. 他增加了窗户的数量,以引入更多的自然光, additional square footage of decking to provide more outdoor space, and eleven foot ceilings in the Great Room. 他设计的房子充分利用了令人难以置信的美景,几乎每个房间都能欣赏到山景. We are thrilled with the attention to detail Chris provided, and the house inside and out exceeded our expectations! 这座房子的设计提供了卧室套房,每间卧室都有一个私人浴室. 许多朋友和家人来杰克逊拜访我们,并享受了他们自己的私人住所. 非常非常感谢Chris and Dubbe Moulder Architects把我们的梦想变成了现实. 这是一个特殊的地方,我们的家人和朋友将在未来的岁月里享受!
Renay D.
Highly professional, creative, responsive and great to work with. They listened to our needs/wants & provided superb service & ideas. We remodeled and built a new addition, went from 3400 to 6800 sq. ft. with amazing views, efficient/effective space that is comfortable & stunning. 我们非常高兴,我们的客人总是被我们家的美丽设计和实用设施所震撼. You can't go wrong with Dubbe Moulder on your team.
Susan Dong
我和Chris Moulder一起设计我的房子有一段不可思议的经历. 他非常愿意融入对我来说很重要的细节,同时确保整体设计保持凝聚力和独特性. Thanks to Chris’ skills, my house, 哪座房子位于另外两座房子之间,但眺望着开阔的空间, 感觉非常私密,因为它的焦点几乎完全朝向开放空间. 这是一所非常宜居的房子——明亮而温暖——而且有一种可爱的现代感. All in all, 克里斯设计的房子和它所处的土地很相配,非常适合我, the client.
Amy S.
克里斯·莫尔德(Chris Moulder)是我们杰克逊霍尔住宅的主要改造建筑师. He was superb! 他花了很多时间与我们一起了解我们打算如何使用新空间,并与我们一起设计一个独特满足我们需求的房子的每一步. He suggested a wonderful contractor. Three years later, 我们仍然很喜欢我们的新房子,克里斯和承包商都是好朋友. We would recommend both to anyone without hesitation.
J. & P. Greene
Chris and his colleagues were responsive to our comments, timely in meeting their schedule commitments, collaborated with us as challenges occurred, helped with making decisions to help control the budget, provided assistance selecting the contractor, 通过与承包商合作解决现场相关问题来支持施工, and provided reviews of construction progress.
我们毫无保留地向您推荐Dubbe Moulder Architects建筑事务所的任何建筑项目, whether a renovation like ours or a new design build project.
Jo Ann W.
I needed remodel advice and was referred to Chris Moulder. He promptly came to my house, talked to me about my concerns, came up with a plan, and modified it based on my input. 有一次,他回到家里,建议建筑商进行另一次改造. He and Jolene are courteous and kind to deal with. I found Chris to be extremely detail oriented, as well. You couldn’t find a nicer man to work with!
Sheila S.
Due to a bad water damage accident, 我们在斯普林克里克的家需要大量的掏空和重建——而我们大部分时间都在2100英里外的新泽西州. 我们继续感谢Dubbe Moulder为我们的项目带来的创造性建议和解决方案, 因为他们为我们提供了思考摆在我们面前的挑战和机遇的新方法.
Leading the project from the outset, the firm worked seamlessly with our contractors, neighbors and community oversight parties. Kurt and his staff listened well, kept in touch throughout, offered advice when asked and perhaps more importantly, when needed. 我们很感激,这些想法是双向的,每次都有鼓励和批评的观点.
The end result is a much improved and refreshed home, maximizing our views and location as never before, all while remaining the inviting, warm and comfortable retreat we’ve loved for the last 40 years.
Robin and Paul
和库尔特·杜比一起从我脑海中的房子里召唤出我梦想中的家, 我学会了欣赏一个建筑大师必须具备的多方面的才能和专业知识. Starting with location, location, location, Kurt sited the house and the access driveway on a challenging, sloping site. He navigated the county regulations and intricate approval process, and seemed to regard these hurdles as a prod to creative thinking. 他是我与承包商打交道的代表(相当大的挑战). 他在Allan Greenberg办公室多年的历史保护和古典设计背景意味着他和我在这座根植于帕拉第亚风格的当代建筑的布局和房间比例上是同步的. 他有管理技巧,可以与我钦佩的一位室内建筑师合作. He also collaborated with me, so that the house really is my home. As a friend said when she saw it, “It’s so you.”
As a final flourish, 库尔特设计了350英尺长的石头壁画,它也可以作为车道上的挡土墙. 一条浅浅的小溪蜿蜒穿过杰克逊洞的南端,沿着芦苇的环形路线蜿蜒而过. 每当我从房子里走到谷底时,这景色都使我很高兴. I suggested to Kurt, “What if Flat Creek meandered along this wall?” He ran with the idea, and when the time came for the stone masons to execute his design, he was on a ladder outlining it with spray paint.
At my age, I probably won’t be building another house. If I were, I would go back to Kurt.
Margot W.